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Iron Therapy: Weight Training

Weight bearing and weight training (resistance) exercise has profound impact on human physiology by producing functional muscle mass; but it may also significantly influence human health and longevity.

We will discuss the synergy, integration and programming around weight training that addresses strength, muscle catabolism/anabolism, and longevity. Along with a specific focus on weight training as it relates to diseases of muscular and bone-related degeneration. 

Updated periodically, come back often!

Resistance Training and Cardiovascular Health



Weight Training: What Is It?

Author: Rose D.

Weight training or resistance training is defined as physical exercises, using weights, but also other various weight-bearing or resistance forms. These resistant forms are meant to improve muscular strength and endurance. A hallmark of weight training is the combination of repetition, timing-duration, and weight-load.

The benefits of consistent resistance training involve many physiological adaptations, resulting in increased muscle strength, endurance, and power. Other benefits of resistance training include the increased stability of bone, muscle, and connective tissue growth. Resistance training has been shown to elicit cardiac aerobic fitness. In the absence of categorical cardiovascular physical exercises, there is still a significant impact. [1]

Resistance training assists with the development of motor neuron pathways that support brain-body coordination during functional movements. The improved communication between the brain and muscle allows for neural adaptations, that improve the brain's ability to communicate to muscles to contract or accomplish a movement. This phenomenon is best known as the Mind-Muscle Connection (MMC). The benefits of resistance training in this regard have been related to balance and other coordinated body-movement activities. ​


In addition, resistance training releases growth hormones that have an anabolic effect on muscle tissue but a catabolic effect on fat tissue. This relates to the neurological effects of resistance training as the release of growth hormones starts in the brain.

The effects of resistance training on hormones also extend to blood glucose regulation as muscle tissue is the primary location of glycogen storage. The activity of large muscle groups can utilize glucose in the bloodstream and direct it into the muscle for energy use.

Lifting Weights

Resistance training is physical activities against external resistance, like weights, bands, or body weight-related exercises that cause muscle contractions. These contractions can lead to increases in strength, mass, tone, and muscular endurance. Resistance training coupled with cardiovascular physical activity has shown to have a meaningful impact on overall health and evolving research continues to explore related topics.


[1] Liu et al. (2018).  Associations of Resistance Exercise with Cardiovascular Disease Morbidity and Mortality. Journal of
                      the American College of Sports Medicine, 499-508.​

[2] Singh, Fiataraone et al. (2019, July 31). ACSM Guidelines for Strength Training. Journal of the American College of
                       Sports Medicine.

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